Thursday, March 31, 2016

week 8 : IPROUD

I am proud of this because this took a long time to make and I love long tasks.

My biggest challenge was figuring what to say.

My Best Learning

This is my Camp letter
15 March 2015

207 Poplar Place                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Dear Colin Barriff

Screenshot 2016-03-15 at 09.37.04.pngThank you for amazing Parent  Thank you  for taking time off work and  for coming on camp. It was great having you on camp.  The best part of having you on camp was that you came down to the bamboo forest  every time. You were very nice and helpful.

My favourite part was the skipping challenge because you were proud of me, it was the best. I loved the delicious sausages you made at the swimming pool. You were so nice and the best at camp.

Thank you for doing the dishes at camp! I bet you enjoyed that job.

Many thanks Oscar.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Week 6: My dog

Here is my dog. She is so so cute and soft. 

Her awesome name is Frankie. We got that name from the pound. She is the most best dog ever. We had a dog before Frankie. Her name was Talya. Sadly she passed / died. My dog  is so funny about water.  She knows how to swim  but she does not want to swim. She doggie paddles. Frankly is 3 year old.

Thank you for reading about my dog :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tv 3

:Being on Tv 3:

On tv 3 I had to what for the studio to say "yep go". Half a hour later. The said yep go, I was so happy that they were ready to shoot. But  it was not being shot right now it was a another half a hour, I was not happy. Now they were finally ready to shot the video. Well they're coming round the corner and talking to my mum and  then they went past us and on to anther lot of people. Here is a video. It was the most best thing I've ever been through.